I've been neglecting my blog of late. Time to catch up. Dream Job has garnered two awards - that can't be bad. Hoping to see if that...
I'm not the Phantom, but I am on radio! Claire H. Perkins was kind enough to interview me last week all the way from England. What a...
Somers Library Event this Friday at 1 p.m.
Thea Schiller and Jim Garber (no relation) will join me for a reading from our respective works, insights into our individual paths to...
Great News
Dream Job, Wacky Adventures of an HR Manager, won Finalist status in the Next Generation Indie Books Awards for a first novel. So good to...
Celebrate Our Heritage:
Somers Reis Park Birthday Celebration 12 - 4 on April 29th (82 Primrose Street, Katonah, NY) I'll be there for a local author signing.
* April 29th - Somers Library holds Happy Birthday event in Reis Park at 2 p.m. which includes displays and signings by local authors...
In the Questions: Poems by and about strong women This anthology of poetry - I'm one of the poets included - is being given away free...
One Year Ago
to see it snapped up by bookstores, libraries, readers of all stripes. Some like my style; some hate it. I say, "Janet, get used to it!"...
Melie is 1 Year Old
What a trip it's been. Who knew you could have this much fun in retirement?! To celebrate, I'm offering a 50% anniversary sale today...